Hi. From the streets of Hyderabad I stepped on to the highways for Hyderabad last week. A road trip to Bangalore.

Initially I had butterflies in my stomach but gradually as we crossed the Hyd airport and hit the main highway everything settled down.
Smooth road, no clutter, just pristine sky and and horizons on all the three sides. It was a great view. In between we also saw clouds falling down in form of rains from a distance of 2 to 3 km and then passing through the same rains after 10 mins was a unique experience.
Having lunch under a Neem-tree with 43 degrees temperature was another unique experience. With a nice breeze the shade was at least 3 to 4 degrees cooler to my skin at least. It felt like I was out on a picnic.

As we were crossing 100 km, 200 km, 300 km... the dullness started descending, as it was the same road, same sky and same horizons. My heart honestly started yearning for Bangalore to come fast but then it was another 200 odd km.

The rest of the journey I kept thinking about the liveliness we have on the streets of Hyderabad or in any other Indian city. Jam packed road, heavy traffic, bustling crowd, hawkers everywhere, shops, eateries, kids, ladies, students, autos, rickshaws, buses, chaat walas and you amidst all of them.
You just become a part of the whole life that bustles on the streets.
Today I am back in Hyderabad and I am looking forward to meeting that LIFE once again. Living that LIFE once again.
Hope you have been living and not just driving,
C ya soon
Capt Ahmed www.captionz.biz
